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lose 50 pounds in 1 month

15 Tips on How to Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months without Exercise - Flab Fix
15 Tips on How to Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months without Exercise - Flab Fix
Listen to this story--------------50 Little things I did to lose 50 pounds. How I have finally been healthy, and how you can, alsoBrandon AndersonSep 6, 2017· 11 min read I have never been much for diets. The diet always seemed like a short-term solution with some new technique that it did not trust. Pour the carbohydrates, eat like cavemen, just protein! I'm realistic. I knew I needed to lose weight and be healthy, but I was never gonna stop eating pizza or go out to restaurants. Any diet seemed like a waste of time, because I knew I'd get it back when I inevitably quit. I needed something different, something permanent. So I didn't start a diet—I changed my diet. I changed the way I ate and when I ate and how I lived. I made little changes, changes I could handle, things I could follow. I'm not a doctor or a fitness expert. I'm just a guy who decided to heal. Here are 50 little things I learned and I did to help me lose 50 pounds. It took 18 months, and it has been as much as a battle to keep it out since then, but it is a battle worth fighting. Educate yourself1. There was so much I didn't know. Granola bars and juice are not necessarily healthy (both loaded with sugar). Some cooking methods are healthier than others. Not all fruits and vegetables are created equal. Some parts (such as skin) are healthier, and some fruits have much more sugar than others. Start reading nutritional labels and pay attention to what you eat. Once you know what you're about to eat, you'll think twice before you sweeten. 2. Prioritize the protein on carbohydrates or fats. Fat is about nine calories per gram. Proteins and carbohydrates are closer to four. Protein provides a more durable energy than carbohydrates, so prioritizing protein is the best way to be healthy and feel full. Meat is a protein, but they are also beans, eggs, dairy, nuts and seeds.3. In the right parts, like peanut butter, nuts and omega oils. Your body needs some fat. Don't fall into the low or no fat options. Many of these foods are loaded into processed sugars, which begin as carbohydrates but become fat when your body does not use them all.4. Cutting 500 calories out of your day should help you lose about a pound a week starting. It is not a perfect equation, and weight loss is not linear, but it is a good number to take into account. Five hundred calories could be an apple less and 30 minutes on the bike. It is totally feasible; it can even be able to cut 1,000.5. Keep track of your daily calorie equation. Instead of " Should I Note?", the question is "What is the calorie exchange?" Your 400-calorie gift is worth 30 minutes on the bike? Are you sure you want that 1,500-calorie nachos dish if you leave only 500 calories for the rest of your day? Each decision enters the context.6. Get help tracking everything. I highly recommend . For each food, give you complete nutritional information: calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fat, nutrients, etc. It also gives you a daily calorie target and tracks your calorie equation every time you eat or exercise. Sheer willpower alone would never have been enough for me. MyFitness Pal kept me honest with myself and kept me motivated and focused. Smart7 Store. Never, never buy hunger.8. Never buy while tired or distracted. Shopping is the beginning of the battle. Buy at maximum alert to make smart and informed decisions. You can't cook unhealthy processed foods if you never bought it, and it's much easier to succumb to temptation while you're tired. It is much less painful to say that not the ice cream in the store than when it is already in its freezer.9. Buy often, at least once a week. If you only get to the store every 10 days, all your fresh things will go for the fourth day and you'll be eating things in a box that's much worse for you. Plan your meals10. Build your food around a protein and vegetables. Carbohydrates can be one side, but not the main feature. Start with the protein and plan from there. 11. Less fruit, more vegetables. Fruits tend to be high in sugar and therefore calories. It's better sugar than sweet, but it's still added. Vegetables are usually higher in fiber and fill you in the right way. While not using your vegetables in butter or cheese, you can usually eat as much as you want. Are you still hungry? Have a second of vegetable help. 12. You can do a lot with the chicken. You can grill it, bake it, cook it slowly. It can be tasty or spicy or sweet. The chicken is almost always a good choice. The same goes through the fish. There's a lot of tastes and fish varieties out there. 13. You don't need to leave the food completely - just see the size of the portion. You're not leaving the pizza forever. Instead, eat two slices and complement with a salad and vegetables. You can still eat your favorite foods, even the less healthy ones. Just eat less and find a healthier balance. 14. Share your favorite indulgences. Make your favorite dessert when you have guests. A piece of cake is fine; an entire cake is not. If you want a special dish you shouldn't eat too much, share it with someone so there's nothing left to please you. 15. Find new healthier ways to please. Not all healthy foods suck! Honeycrisp apples are one of my favorite foods in the world. Some strawberries or cherries are delicious. Programming doesn't have to mean a giant chocolate cake with three spoons of ice cream. Drink plenty of water16. Drink a large glass of cold water first thing in the morning. That awakens your body and you burn less calories while you sleep. 17. If you're hungry, try drinking a glass of water. His body is often mistaken for hunger. Drink water right before eating. You'll be surprised as much less hungry as you'll feel. 18. Limit other drinks. Soda is high in sugar, but also juice. Tea and coffee are fine, but don't load them with sugar, or you'll be drinking dessert. If you're a serial refresher or Starbucks disciple, simply changing your daily water drinks might be worth a whole pound every week or two. Always eat Breakfast19. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because it begins its daily metabolism. Eat proteins and fiber so your body will start its day in contention. Eggs are a good choice, or try something like a Fiber One bar if you're short on time. 20. Be careful with the cereal. Choose cereal with a fiber to sugar ratio that is greater than one. Most children's cereals are basically like starting your day with a candy bowl. Snack Right21. Don't let hunger develop. Catch more, not less. It is perfectly fine to eat a small snack every two hours, even keeps your metabolism moving. Eating often is better than feeling hungry and eating a massive meal. You will lose the battle quickly if you feel hungry all day. 22. Find some snacks in the 100-a-140-calorie range that are high in protein or fiber. Mine is an apple, banana, cheese, beef or bar Fiber One. Keep your home and place of work stored, and keep your reservation in a specific place to develop healthy snack habits. 23. Keep the snacks hidden away, out of sight, out of mind. Never keep that bag of chips within the reach of your couch's arm. Laziness defeats hunger. 24. Buy snack-size foods. Sure, it's cheaper to buy all the pretzels bathtub. If you have the self-control to count a portion of 11 pretzels and put the container away, more power for you. I didn't get where I was exhibiting self-control. Snake size packages create a correct portion for you. 25. If you need to do something during a movie or game, find a couple of options that you can eat endless amounts of small consequences. The popcorn is a good salted golondrine (but skip the butter), and the carrots have a satisfying crisp. Fruits or carbohydrates do not work, but vegetables and hummus are a great choice. 26. If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, skip the snack. If you are, enjoy your apple. Brandon Anderson: 2016 Year in ReviewHighlights from a year full of firsts, writing and otherwiseEating at Home27. Use smaller dishes. Big dishes are practically begging me to fill them. It's amazing how much cereal can be eaten in a giant bowl. The darkest dishes also help.28. After serving your meal, put the leftovers in serving containers. Don't let the seconds become an option. 29. Eat slowly. It takes a while for your brain to catch up on your stomach, so you could be more full of what you think. Let your food calm down before you have dessert. You could be full. 30. Don't eat in front of the TV. It's too distracted and makes it too easy to keep the shovel in the food. Get ready for Restaurants31. Start your meal before you leave. Eat a salad or a yogurt at home. You'll save money and eat less bad calories. 32. Choose a restaurant before you leave the house. Find a menu with online nutritional information and decide what to have before you go. It is much easier to order an unhealthy choice when it is an impulse.33. Don't get rid of the free bread sticks. They could be free, but they're not free calories. 34. Turn your restaurant's food into two meals. Most restaurants are happy to offer you more than 1,000 calories as a meal. Instead of scaring him, splitting him with a friend or saving the leftovers by tomorrow. 35. Don't leave your favorite restaurants, just your choice of food. Instead of chicken-fil-A chips, get a couple of chicken strips with your sandwich. Spend the flour tortilla 300 calories in Chipotle and get a burrito bowl. 36. Consider paying extra for the double meat portion. Restaurants love to fill you with cheap carbohydrates, but protein is the best part of the food for you. Do some exercise37. Remember the equation: If you start with a target of 2,000 calories for the day and burn 400 calories running, you can eat 2,400 calories. Exercise is not punishment; a reward is being given. 38. Find exercises you can do for 10 or 20 minutes around the house. It's easy to make excuses if you have to find an hour and go to the gym. Ten minutes of exercise is not much, but it's 10 more than zero. 39. The cleaning counts as exercise. It also makes dishes or laundry. Half an hour of cleaning could make you a snack later. Help your friends move. Get off the wedding dance floor. A lot of things can be exercised. 40. Do so it actually feels weirder not to exercise, like your morning hadn't started well without it. Let exercise be routine rather than willpower. 41. Use exercise to reward yourself that you can only see while exercising. See an average of 45 minutes of football game while riding a stationary bike. while running as a screen time break and a chance to relax and think. 42. Just go for a walk. Going out for a walk three times a week for 20 minutes can burn five or more pounds in an entire year. Establish realistic objectives43. Be patient. You spent years building all those bad habits and excess weight. This isn't gonna happen overnight. It takes a lot of time and hard work. Stay with him. 44. Your family or friends cannot necessarily appreciate all your hard work. Do this for yourself. Do it because you've decided it's time to heal. 45. Don't tell everyone, like it's kind of a New Year's Resolution. You don't need all that extra pressure from all those who register. Tell one or two friends to cheer you up. Everyone will realize enough. 46. Let's not "go on a diet." Diets are short-term corrections. Make healthy lifestyle changes. Make changes that you can follow next month, next year, forever. 47. You don't feel it every day. This is not a race. Enter once a week to make sure you're headed in the right direction. The goal is to get healthy; weight loss is just a wonderful side effect. 48. Losing one or two pounds a week is healthy. Much more than that and you are burning water weight that will win as soon as you stop your crash course. 49. Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone is different, and everyone must have different goals. Not everyone can lose 100 pounds in a year. Just measure yourself. 50. Stop turning this off. Just start. Start today. It starts to be healthy. Follow Brandon on Medium or for more sports, humor, pop culture and lifestyles. Visit the rest of Brandon.Brandon AndersonSports, TV, NBA, NFL, culture. Words at the SI Cauldron, Sports Raid, Action Network, other @wheatonbrando .1 1 Sports, TV, NBA, NFL, culture. Words in Cauldron de SI, Sports Raid, Action Network, other @wheatonbrando MediumMore from the middle Get the app Media

TopicsMagazines MENU Paying forward: 8 ideas that helped me lose 50 pounds in 6 months 28 February 2020 by Michael Carabash, BA, LLB, JD, MBA, CDPM Why did I bother writing this? I'm not a health and fitness expert. I have no relevant titles attached to my name. I don't offer you studies or appointments. I don't have books, pills, smoothies or exercise equipment to sell you. There's no YouTube channel to sign up. There are no seminars to attend. I'm not your guru. And I'm not trying to be. I'm actually paying her. And if, by chance, a beacon is turned off in your mind by the time you finish reading this article and you decide to invest in your health and fitness as a result, well then – mission accomplished. Over the past few months, my lifestyle (and hopefully useful life) has dramatically improved due to what some dentists have shared with me – i.e. 8 health and fitness ideas. Before entering the nitty gritty, a cave: this is my story. What worked for me might not be for you. Men are physiologically different than women. Family history of health, medicines, stress levels, sleep and what we all consume have an impact on our bodies and minds. Take what I write with a grain of salt. Please talk to your doctor before embarking on your own health and fitness trip. With that said, we'll be back for six months. At 5' 11", I weighed 233 pounds and I was barely in size 40 pants." There were no visible abdominals. I needed eight hours of sleep and multiple coffees to keep me going all day. Was I happy with my physical appearance? It was acceptable. I've always been a big guy and I told myself that some people are just naturally thin and that I wasn't one of them. Also, Parastou (my wife) never complained. Waiting for today. I am 183 pounds and proudly wearing 34-size trousers." I feel full and energized all the time. I'll spend the day with only six hours of sleep and two cups of coffee. And it all came about because of these 8 health and fitness ideas that dentists gave me. #1 > #2: Food and fasting I've been working since I was 16, but I've always had some kind of guts. Abs, however, are not made in the gym: they are made in the kitchen! And that's where I was doing everything wrong. All my perception of food was wrong.• I ate because I thought I needed energy. But as it turns out, I have a lot of energy reserves (create fat) and I'm never tired today, even though much less than before.• I ate because I registered to eat at certain times throughout the day (beginning tomorrow, lunch, late dinner). But I discovered that there are so many surprising benefits to eat within certain periods or not at all for long periods of time (24-48 hours).• I ate without thinking much about what I was putting in my mouth. Isn't it funny (or sad) that there is no recommended daily sugar intake list anywhere?• I ate without counting calories. But it is surprising how certain foods and drinks in relatively small amounts can quickly add up to thousands of calories (a pizza slice could easily have 300-400 calories; it used to eat six to eight slices in a single sitting). And to get over it all, I was an emotional dining room. If I had a good day, I was going to reward myself with a steak and a few glasses of red wine. If I were having a day off, I would punish my body with comfortable food to make me feel better – like spicy chicken wings, ribs, pizza or a donkey. You have the idea. Between Dr. Ming Yau (general professor, Etobicoke). When I was helping him sell his dental practice last summer, he told me that my organs have a certain useful life (i.e., 100 years) and that I should give them a break when trying intermittent fasting. Don #1: The idea, for example, is to eat all my meals during a window of six or eight hours (i.e., 12:00 p.m. noon until 6:00 p.m.). Then give my organs the opportunity to recover, act better and last longer. But he went on. Dr. Yau suggested that I use healthy, high-quality fat as my energy source instead of sugar. Using this method, my body would convert existing stored fat into energy when you are hungry. In other words, Gift #2: The keto diet. Keto is about putting the body in a condition of cetosis by depriving it of carbohydrates of hunger and sugar so that it has no choice but to burn what we give (a.k.a. healthy external fats) and internal visceral fat as its source of energy. Good foods include grass meat, eggs, avocado, nuts, certain hard cheeses, high-fat cream and smooth yogurt, various high-quality vegetable oils, fatty wild fish, etc. Keto also includes eating vegetables above the ground to get nutrients and fiber. Think greens, cucumbers, asparagus, sorcerers, broccoli, mushrooms, etc. And minimal fruits and alcohol due to high sugar content. I thought everything made sense. In addition, the prospect of eating more fat was intriguing. It's delicious and a relatively small amount makes me feel full all day. Dr. Jason Gomes (general professor, Barrie) told me that in the morning he put MCT oil (middle chain) in his black coffee and lid it with high-fat/low-sugar whipped cream. By the way, Dr. Gomes lost 32 pounds in three months making intermittent fasting and Keto, and it wasn't that big to start! My diet basically changed from high proteins / high carbohydrates / very low fat to high-fat/medium/carbohydrate proteins very low. Fun? Yeah. Social? Of course. Do I have carbohydrates and sugar? Not a bit. Are you kidding me? Abs-so-lutely (more about that below). Do I have endless amounts of energy all day? How was the dream? Strange. I have a lot of energy – why won't the day start? No more need to catch up in sleep. And when I talked to Dr. Gomes, it felt exactly the same. #3 > 4: Counting Calories and Tech A few months on my health and fitness trip, I stopped losing weight and hit my first plateau. Fasting and keto only didn't work. Yeah, I felt great but I really needed to start removing the internal visceral fat. I missed something. After talking to Dr. James Vassallo (retired general professor, Mississauga), discovered the benefits of Gift #3: Calorie counting. I learned I needed to burn 3,500 calories more than I used to consume 1 pounds of solid fat. With that little knowledge, I put my daily caloric intake to 1,500 calories and burned 1,000 calories working (2 x 30 minutes of training per day was my typical routine) and I stayed active walking or taking stairs all day to burn another 2,000-2,500 calories. Math resulted in an average daily deficit of 1,750 calories, or approximately 0.5 pounds of fat loss a day for so long my body could handle it before hitting the next plateau. But how would he track calories in and out? Enter Gift #4: Technology. Because of Dr. Vassallo, I started using a polar heart rate monitor to measure the calories I burned during my exercises. At the same time, I joined My Fitness Pal, a popular mobile phone app that allows me to track my calorie intake, as well as my weight and water intake. I particularly like the application barcode scanner, which instantly gives me all the nutritional information of practically everything I can put in my mouth. It makes the intake calories super easy and, I dare addictive. I wouldn't have had much idea of my calorie intake without this app. What I learned most from using technology is that it takes me a long time to burn only 100 calories, but it doesn't need much food to reach 1,500 calories. A handful of nuts or a single avocado can easily be 300 calories if I'm not paying attention. Given how hard and long I was exercising and dieting, I didn't want to make life harder for myself. I replaced certain foods richer in calories, such as cheese, bacon and steak, with lower calories, such as egg whites, almonds and vegetables. I also started to put spicy sauce in everything because spicy food is low calories and helps to accelerate your metabolism (as it does in lower temperature environments). And don't forget the water. He was drinking about three liters a day and certainly helped with weight loss and internal regulation. Now that I was counting calories using technology, I could spend several plateaus. Gift #5: Habits Hacking We all know what's going on with the "Yo-Yo" diets, right? You lose a lot in a short period of time (you're down). Then you'll finally get it back (you came back up again). And the cycle repeats. It's inevitable, right? Why? Because we are creatures of (bad) habit. The good news is that after talking to Uberfit and a health-conscious Dr. Sanjukta Mohanta (WellFort Community Health Centre), I am now more aware of Gift #5: How to hack my habits so that I can control them and not the other way around. Case in point, Dr. Mohanta cheats on her diet all the time. But he doesn't think he's cheating because he does it in a very controlled way. "It does not deprive me of anything. I do what feels good. If I happen to want a chocolate cookie, I'll eat it, but I don't have to finish it. I just need half to get the sweet taste I want." We've all heard of portion control but this is that at the next level – Dr. Mohanta doesn't have cheating days or deceitful meals; she has cheating bites! The fact that she does not feel guilt or pressure about not ending is simply suffocating in the mind; it challenges the conventional wisdom of the need to finish what is in her fridge/freezer or what is on the table or on her plate (thanks to my parents). The food is here for us; not on the other side. So I took Dr. Mohanta's advice. It doesn't deprive me of anything. I'll just do it in a controlled way. If I want pizza, I'll take a sharp knife and cut and eat the top of cheese, sauce and topping, it's the best part anyway, right? Or if I want a burger, I'll put the meat in a lettuce wrap and put mayonnaise, tomatoes and pickles on it. And because I'm counting calories (Gift #3), I still stay within my daily calorie limit. If it happens, I will have to modify something that day or the next day (i.e., exercise more, faster, consume less calories, etc.). I'm cheating – but in control! No deprivation. No "Yo-Yo" diet. This is a lifestyle. With that said, and maybe because of the keto diet, I don't really have unhealthy food or alcohol ailments. It's the opposite. If I use those things, my body will punish me with excess swelling, dehydration, lack of focus and grogginess (there is my productivity at work or performance during exercise). These are things I have unconsciously accepted before, but I do not consciously accept now. There is a compensation because I am paying attention to how my body reacts to certain things. And I'd rather feel good in the long term than try to temporarily satisfy an imaginary craving. Now, if that wasn't enough, Dr. Mohanta continues to explain how he raises barriers to mitigating bad habits. In the grocery store, she will not walk on purpose through the corridors "sugar and salt". But if you end up getting unhealthy snacks, you will simply hide them at home or put them on the shelves out of their immediate reach (so you will have to take an additional step to think about where they are and how to get there). In the meantime, you will put healthy snacks in front and center at the kitchen table to be accessible without too much thought (a.k.a. remove barriers and automate good habits). Finally, and I stumbled upon this accidentally, I have learned to successfully cheat my body to think that I am cheating when not really. That basically reduces to enjoying things that were not of interest to me before. For example, now I love – yes, I wrote "love" – making this broth of saltless flesh. I've been doing it once a week for the last few months. It may seem strange and bland for many of you (as something your mother would do again in the day if she didn't feel well), and until recently I never gave her any thought. But now I'm addicted. Eating the bone marrow inside is a special gift for me (something that my father and my older brothers and I would fight over years ago when my mother made Ossobuco). Also, if my sweet tooth starts to act, I will take a couple of goli vinegar goals (charged with nutritional benefits and low sugar) or have a Vega Sport protein shave (high protein; low calories/carbs/sugar) or even have 90% dark chocolate (containing very little sugar). These are all the healthy choices of snacks and food, but I have deceived my mind and body to think that I am cheating for dessert! I'm not the only one doing this. When Dr. Gomes wants to cheat, he'll have low-sweet peanut butter with a low-sweet sugar cream on top. "It's like my little special dessert and it keeps me happy and happy, even if it's nice and healthy." Don #6: Exercise I've been talking a lot about diet, fasting and piracy habits. But what role did exercise play in my trip? It helped me burn more calories than I used to take to lose weight and eventually control it. There are many other benefits for exercise, such as disastrous, reduction of disease risk, strengthening muscles and bones, increasing energy levels, regulating various internal systems (insulin, growth hormones, sleep, etc.), reducing pain and improving mental health. Now, let's do it. Walk or run? Cardio or pesos? Yoga or sports? High interval intensity training? What I learned from Dr. Yau and Dr. Mohanta is simply staying active and changing it regularly. It helps prevent boredom and injury, and crashes the body so it never gets used to the same routine. Finally, I assure myself of following my calorie burn and my heart rate on my polar heart rate monitor. I point to a heart rate of about 75% of my maximum heart rate to achieve maximum fat burning; a higher heart rate means I'm burning sugar, which makes me feel like I need to replenish my sugar levels after I finish. Gift #7: The Dream Hacking During the annual dental outreach program of my law firm in Granada last summer, I noticed that Dr. Yau (my roommate) wore a funny looking ring to bed. Turns out it's called a Oura ring. He spoke so high of it, but my bowel reaction was, "Why would $400 in the green land of God and wait a few months to have a dream ring made in Finland to tell me how good my dream was? Couldn't you just wake me up and think that myself and save me a couple of dollars? But he convinced me. Looking back, it's been so valuable. Unlike any other smart phone or smart device, the Oura Ring uses a combination of infrared LEDs, NTC body temperature sensors and a 3D accelerometer and gyroscope to provide you with incredibly accurate ideas in:• total sleep time broken by the awakening time, light sleep and deep sleep;• sleep efficiency (percentage of the time you actually spend asleep after going to bed);• optimal eye-throwing scoring (asociating He tells me if I'm fully prepared for maximum physical performance that day or if I should just take it easy. My top daily score so far has been 89/100 and I know all the reasons why. I worked early that day, fasted, meditated, ate clean and did not see Netflix or remained in my phone reading emails. I can repeat the process to get another amazing score to have optimal performance all day. Don #8: Progress in measurement If I can't measure it, I can't handle it. So I measure everything. My weight in the morning. My calories in and out all day. My size of the pant waist. My visual appearance in the mirror. And then I record everything in My Fitness Pal app (weight, photos). I can see how far I've come. Am I obsessed? Yeah. But I think it's a healthy obsession; there's a lot of unhealthy out there. Measuring everything has quickly become part of my daily routine. Once again, I have hacked my habits to automate the good. When I look back and I see that I had more weight, it makes me realize how lucky I am. The rewards I now receive daily encourage me to move forward. Rewards like being fully energized and sufficiently complete, getting compliments in my physical transformation, reflecting on before and after the images, burning 500 or 1,000 calories a day while exercising and tracking, and getting a great sleep score. This is instant gratification. Conclusion Eight simple ideas and a willingness to try. That's what cost me to lose 50 pounds in six months; becoming the healthiest and most appropriate version of me so far. I am always grateful to those dentists I have mentioned earlier for their knowledge and support. I still have more work to do, as we're always working on getting better. When I look back, I get angry. Why did it take me so long to find out? The answer? Too many distractions on the road and bad information. A lot of people and dissenting companies who just wanted to sell me unhealthy ideas and products. But that's not the case anymore. I finally figured out how to hack my body and unlock your secrets. My body has no other choice now than to fulfill. To lose weight. To avoid it. To make me feel good. I'm free from old habit chains. I've broken assumptions for life. And I hope that, by sharing my personal story, it will help inspire you to look inside so that you can also become the healthiest version of yourself. And when you have reached your goal of looking and feeling the best you can, then, YOU can pay it your way. About AuthorMichael Carabash, BA, LLB, JD, MBA, CDPM is a founder partner of DMC LLP, Canada's largest dental law firm that helps dentists sell and buy practices in Ontario and now B.C. Michael leads the annual dental mission trips of DMC (Granada, Jamaica and Turks & Caicos). You can reach Michael in or 647.680.9530. Di: Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Name *E-mail *Internet Save my name, email and website in this browser for the next time you comment. Oral Health is the first choice of Canadian dentists for the best in clinical information. Magazines Trending We use cookies to improve the experience of your website. By accepting this notice and continuing to browse our website, it confirms that it accepts our " .

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The '50 percent rule' helped this woman lose 60 pounds (and keep it off)

How I lost 100lbs in 6 months. I decided to lose weight after my… | by  Justin Angel | Medium
How I lost 100lbs in 6 months. I decided to lose weight after my… | by Justin Angel | Medium

Minus 50 pounds in four months on the keto diet - Diet Doctor
Minus 50 pounds in four months on the keto diet - Diet Doctor

I lost 50 lbs in 3 months – here's how technology helped me – BGR
I lost 50 lbs in 3 months – here's how technology helped me – BGR

Intermittent Fasting And The Keto Diet Helped Me Lose 50 Lbs.
Intermittent Fasting And The Keto Diet Helped Me Lose 50 Lbs.

✨1 month workout challenge✨you are ready ? #fitnessroutine  #fastestwaytolose10poundsinaweekde… | Month workout challenge, Month  workout, Health and fitness articles
✨1 month workout challenge✨you are ready ? #fitnessroutine #fastestwaytolose10poundsinaweekde… | Month workout challenge, Month workout, Health and fitness articles

Exactly What I Ate to Lose 60+ Pounds - 7 Weight Loss Transformations
Exactly What I Ate to Lose 60+ Pounds - 7 Weight Loss Transformations

How one woman used intermittent fasting to lose 65 pounds in six months
How one woman used intermittent fasting to lose 65 pounds in six months

My Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle: How I Dropped 50 Pounds | by Sumaya Kazi  | Personal Growth | Medium
My Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle: How I Dropped 50 Pounds | by Sumaya Kazi | Personal Growth | Medium

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